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发表于 2024-1-17 09:59:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
You know - 你知道的
I mean - 我的意思是
Actually - 实际上
Basically - 基本上
Seriously - 认真地说
Honestly - 老实说
Obviously - 明显地
Literally - 字面上
Frankly - 坦白地说
Anyway - 无论如何
By the way - 顺便说一下
Well - 嗯
So - 所以
For sure - 当然
Definitely - 绝对
Right - 对
Sure - 当然
I guess - 我猜
I suppose - 我想
You see - 你看
Believe me - 相信我
Trust me - 相信我
Honestly speaking - 说实话
No way - 不可能
Absolutely - 绝对地
For real - 真的
In fact - 事实上
Of course - 当然
All right - 好的
I see - 我明白了
Listen - 听着
Let's see - 我们看看
You know what? - 你知道吗?
Guess what? - 猜猜看?
What's up? - 怎么了?
Check this out - 看看这个
Look - 看
Here's the thing - 事情是这样的
At the end of the day - 说到底
You know what I mean - 你知道我的意思
To be honest - 老实说
If you know what I mean - 如果你明白我的意思
You know what I'm saying - 你知道我在说什么
Long story short - 长话短说
I'm just saying - 我只是说
As I was saying - 正如我所说
Believe it or not - 信不信由你
You won't believe this - 你不会相信这个
To cut a long story short - 长话短说
If I may say so - 如果我可以这么说
To be frank - 坦白地说
If you ask me - 如果你问我
As far as I'm concerned - 就我而言
That being said - 话虽如此
In a nutshell - 简而言之
Let me put it this way - 让我这样说
In other words - 换句话说
You get what I'm saying - 你明白我的意思
To sum up - 总结一下
Let's put it this way - 这么说吧
I'm telling you - 我告诉你
On a side note - 顺便一提
Just so you know - 只是让你知道
For the record - 明确记录一下
Make no mistake - 别误会
You know how it is - 你知道这是怎么回事
What I'm trying to say is - 我想说的是
It goes without saying - 不言而喻
Between you and me - 你我之间
If you get my drift - 如果你明白我的意思
Mark my words - 记住我的话
For what it's worth - 不管这值不值得说
Speaking of which - 既然提到这个
As a matter of fact - 事实上
In case you didn't know - 万一你不知道
Just to clarify - 只是为了澄清
Let's face it - 面对现实
Without a doubt - 毫无疑问
If I'm not mistaken - 如果我没记错的话
In my opinion - 在我看来
I'd say - 我会说
In my experience - 根据我的经验
From my point of view - 从我的观点来看
As far as I know - 据我所知
Let's be clear - 我们要明确
You might say - 你可能会说
Just to be clear - 只是为了明确
On that note - 在这个话题上
To put it simply - 简单地说
Let me explain - 让我解释一下
From what I understand - 据我所了解


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